Fully fund existing public housing, including and ensuring comprehensive maintenance and timely repairs.​
Establish and robustly fund publicly owned initiatives to proactively intervene in the market, acquiring distressed properties and converting them into social housing. This fund would intend to provide the community control over the land, ensuring the land stays affordable for generations. ​
Aggressively champion tenants' rights and take a stand against housing voucher discrimination to ensure equal access to housing for all individuals.​
Mandate that all new construction projects meet enhanced accessibility standards to accommodate individuals with disabilities, ensuring everyone has equitable access to housing.​
Implement localized Housing First relief programs that prioritize immediate access to permanent housing. The Housing First approach rejects the requirement for individuals to address behavioral health issues or complete a series of service programs before obtaining or retaining housing. Instead, it provides housing as the foundation for improving life circumstances, with no prerequisites or conditions beyond a standard rental agreement.